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Top family attorney in Boise and Nampa, ID, work towards the best interests of the child

Top-ranked family attorney in Boise and Nampa ID handle divorce cases. Among the primary victims of a divorce are the children. During the proceedings, the judges focus on ensuring the separation does not negatively affect the children’s development, so they decide on the child’s custody.

Child custody cases can be tricky to preside over, so judges try to be objective. As a result, they focus on meeting the children’s best interests. To determine how custody should be shared among the parents, here are some crucial factors that they look into.

Child’s age

Most states have specific age requirements to determine which parent gets direct custody. The development age of any child can often be primarily influenced by who they interact with, so custody planning is essential. However, custody cases are not always as easy, meaning the judge might decide based on the case facts.

Child- parent relationship

The existing relationship between the child and parent at separation also determines the custody arrangement. Judges assess the case facts and decide on custody based on the child’s best interests.

Children with a solid attachment to specific parents such that separation can cause distress might force physical custody to be given to the said parent. The same goes for those with psychological and mental issues since separation can extenuate the situation further.

The parent’s caretaking capacity

The capacity of the parent to adhere to the parenting plan is among the ways judges use to award custody to parents. They check the parent’s financial security, their availability, and their ability to conduct duties related to child care. The aim of assessing the parents caretaking ability is to make sure they can take care of the child’s needs throughout the year.

The mental and physical well-being of the parents

Making sure that custody is granted to parents in the right state of mind to raise children is what judges focus on. As a result, they have to conduct a mandatory drug test and ascertain they are good to raise the children. The courts will also review past behavior records before offering custody to the parent.

Work with a top family attorney in Boise and Nampa ID

Child custody cases can be complicated since they involve considering the child’s best interests. Judges often make the right decision based on the case facts presented, so you need expert representation. Hiring a top-ranked family attorney in Boise and Nampa ID can help get a favorable outcome on the child custody case.

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